D.O.E. says Future Port of Belize Projects Will be Thoroughly Assessed
The National Environmental Appraisal Committee, (NEAC), and the Department of the Environment have rejected multiple proposals to expand the Port of Belize and construct a cruise terminal under its previous ownerships. However, in 2023, the port was purchased by the Government of Belize. Recently, the government has revealed that it plans to upgrade the port’s cargo facilities and is considering the construction of a cruise port. We spoke with Chief Environmental Officer, Anthony Mai about whether the new ownership of the port would impact the previous decisions on the upgrades. Here’s what he had to say.

Anthony Mai
Anthony Mai, Chief Environmental Officer, D.O.E.
“Not necessarily. The environmental law is clear. The environmental law states that any private or public agency that wants to conduct any project that may significantly impact the environment, such an agency has to come to the Department of Environment. to determine whether a project of that nature requires an EIA. So what I’m saying basically is that the environmental law states that both private entity and public entity, in this case government, if they have a project that they want to do and it will have significant impact on the environment, they need to apply for environmental clearance. Case in point, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, most of the work that they do, they go through the EIA process. And several other government agencies, right now we are processing environmental clearance, we are evaluating the hospital or clinic in San Pedro, which is a government project, etc. So not because the project is government or public related, exempts them from coming through the EIA process.”
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