Customs Officers Observe International Customs Day
Customs officers often face criticism when reports of suspicious activities, especially around handling contraband goods, come to light. Praise for their hard work is rare. But today was different. Customs officers took a break from their usual duties to celebrate International Customs Day. News Five’s Marion Ali has the story.
Marion Ali, Reporting
International Customs Day was a perfect opportunity for customs officers to celebrate their hard work and dedication to keeping our ports safe from dangerous goods. Comptroller of Customs, Estella Leslie, highlighted the department’s significant progress in this area, noting impressive revenue gains from a recent operation.

Estella Leslie
Estella Leslie, Comptroller of Customs
“A key initiative undertaken by the Belize Customs and Excise Department to build partnership with our stakeholders is the Belize Customs Trusted Trader Program, which rewards trade facilitation based on compliance risks. A notable example of our collaborative effort is the police, customer, and excise department law enforcement initiatives conducted during the Christmas season with strong support from the police, police department, the police course guard, the immigration department, and the Belize Defense Force. Operation Grinch 2024 yielded approximately $300,000. in fines and prevented opportunities for smuggling and illicit activities.”
The growing complexities of global trade have expanded the role of customs significantly. However, Deputy Comptroller Dr. Gilbert Gordon assured that Belize has navigated these challenges with great skill and efficiency.

Gilbert Gordon
Dr. Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Comptroller of Customs
“Our customs officials work tirelessly to facilitate legitimate trade, while safeguarding us against smuggling and illegal activity that pose risk to our economic and national security. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the role of customs has been more critical. Our customs services are at the forefront of facilitating trade, protecting our borders, and fostering an environment that promotes both security and economic growth. The Belize Customs Organization remains poised. to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of global trade.”
Deputy Comptroller Emelda Cocom emphasized that the department is committed to balancing all these efforts while staying vigilant against potential security threats.

Emelda Cocom
Emelda Cocom, Deputy Comptroller of Customs
“When we talk about security, we do not work alone as we combat the fight against the illicit movement of arms and ammunition, narcotics, and currency with a new focus on money laundering and trade-based money laundering. We need to enhance our cooperation and our coordination with our sister agencies because this battle is not only What customs focuses on, but we work together against any threat that poses any trade that is poses to national security, the environment and the health of our citizen plants and animals.”
Addressing the customs officers, former Comptroller Gregory Gibson urged them to maintain civility and professionalism at work. He reminded them that when decisions don’t go their way, they’re not personal.

Gregory Gibson
Gregory Gibson, Former Comptroller of Customs
“Customs is what you do, but not who you are. And so don’t let anyone put you into a box. Yes, you do the job professionally, but you’re not defined alone by being a customs officer. And you will meet haters, envious people, but you have to rise above that. Despite the difficulties, you’re not called upon to love each other, but you’re called upon to coexist to get the job done. At the end of the day, you want love, I always say, you go home. That’s where you get your love. In here, it’s about just getting the job together. Try not to take it personally. It’s not. Decisions will be made that you may be happy with, some that you’re not too happy with. We’ll discuss them, and at the end of the day, move on.”
Marion Ali for News Five.
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