ComPol Chastises Jules Over Comments Aired on Morning Show
Last year, Inspector Christopher Martinez admitted to wounding a businessman with a padlock while the man was in police custody. After a long legal battle, Martinez received a five-month sentence, which the High Court upheld. Once he was released, Martinez returned to his role as a Senior Inspector. During a morning talk show, Channel Seven News Director Jules Vasquez suggested that Williams didn’t fire Martinez because they’re cousins. Williams quickly shot down this claim, clarifying that he doesn’t have the power to dismiss senior officers.
“I understand your relative, Inspector Martinez is back on active duty.”

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“And I hear you spewing nonsense this morning.”
“Please, correct me.”
Chester Williams
“The commissioner is not the one who dismiss senior officers. That is done by the Security Services Commission.”
Chester Williams
“So please stop spewing nonsense and feed the people with spoiled food.”
”Sir, so Inspector Martinez is back. You have no power to dismiss him to demote him. But you did recommend him for a promotion?”
Chester Williams
“Where you get that from again? When you brought up that spoiled food that you were fed with that, cause your bowel to move in certain places, I had said to you then that because he was not yet convicted. Every senior officer who met the criteria to go before the board and applied were allowed to go before the promotion board. I had also in a subsequent interview told you that he had failed the board. So how you reach at me recommending him for promotion.”
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