Cleaning Up Swampy Areas Decreases Dengue Cases
Bautista explains that the climate and preparations for the change of weather can add to the potential rise in dengue cases. While in Toledo the increase in transmission occurred during the extensive drought, in other parts of the country when people stockpiled tires as part of beach reclamation, the numbers also spiked in those communities. Overall, however, Bautista advises the public that removing empty drums, buckets containers and coconut shells can prevent an increase in dengue cases.

Kim Bautista
Kim Bautista, Vector Control Chief, Operations, MoHW
“When we look at the data that our field officers captured the containers that are most positive for the mosquito that transmits dengue tends to be tires and uncovered drums and buckets and things like that. So though you have a drought if you still have the containers out there, to actually breed these mosquitoes, there is the potential for transmission. When the rainy season comes along, it just, I would say exposes the true situation that is out there in terms of the number of containers that are breeding sites, as we call them, that you have out there. And so you would tend to see an increase in cases. So when you look at the amount of tires and, breeding sites bottles being hoarded for recycling and things like that, these breeding sites are – coupled with the fact that you also have issues in terms of low-lying areas poor drainage and, things like that.”
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