Boots to Gilroy Usher, “It’s over now, sir.”
Former Port Loyola Area Representative Anthony “Boots” Martinez is back and is gearing up for a showdown with his successor. After failing to trigger a recall of sitting area rep, Gilroy Usher Senior, the seasoned politician has decided to come out of retirement and run once again for the United Democratic Party. According to Martinez, he is back by popular demand and is ready to take out his political opponent. This afternoon, we caught up with Boots in his former stomping grounds and here’s what he has to say about his comeback.

Anthony “Boots” Martinez
Anthony “Boots” Martinez, Former Area Rep, Port Loyola
“I retired in 2018 from elected politics overall, and especially as the area representative for Port Loyola. In 2020, two months before the election, Sedi Elrington stepped aside and I was asked to fill the vacuum as a party man. Ah need fi clarify that because even fi the people of Port Loyola, even dealing with the petition that was the question that was asked, “Why yoh mi leff we?” Of course, I had a long time as the longest serving area representative for Port Loyola and I worked hard. It is about service, it is about wanting to see better for the constituency. You wah tell me, my God, eena five years’ time, by his own admittance, the area representative is saying that at the rate ah weh house di gih weh and how dehn di build house, he only wahn get two and a half house fi five years. Furthermore to that, I will say that to me, as an area representative, he has neglected his duty because I think, moving across the constituency and he inherited a constituency that was properly balanced. To that end, I will say to Gilroy Usher, this is my slogan, “It’s over now, sir.” And to use Steph Curry’s symbol, “night, night.””
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