Beloved Dr. Cecilio Eck is Battling Stage Four Cancer
The medical community, as well as the family and friends of Doctor Cecilio Eck, is seeking your assistance with covering the expenses of the well-known and beloved pediatrician. Doctor Eck was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer and, despite being at work every day tending to his infant patients, is once again fighting for his life. After surviving a serious case of COVID-19 a few years ago, Doctor Eck vowed to take better care of his body. He had been doing so, until an incident in June brought him to this harsh reality.

Dr. Cecilio Eck
Dr. Cecilio Eck, Cancer Patient
“Maybe a month ago, my cousin was helping me. He was painting my home and I helped him move a scaffolding and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, but of course I thought it was just a pulled muscle. [I] took pain killers, went to see the physiotherapist, and eventually the orthopedic surgeon and they confirmed it. [They said,] “Doc, put your hand in a sling, take some stronger pain medicine and you’ll be fine.” The K.H.M.H. recently got a new C.T. machine, an excellent machine, and they were doing tests on C.T. scans to screen people’s hearts. And one of my good friends, Dr. Tennyson, signed me up, he said, “Dr. Eck, go and check your heart.” So I went and my heart was fine, but the technician said he saw something in the lungs and he implored me to wait and do a proper scan. While waiting, one of my radiographer friends said, “let’s x-ray that shoulder, Doc.” And when they did it, they actually found a lithic lesion in my left humerus, which is, instead of seeing properly calcified or white bone, it was, part of the bone was missing or replaced by something. I spoke with the radiologist at that time and he said, “Doc, we need to do a full C.T. with contrast.” And he did, and the C.T. showed multiple lesions throughout my body, involving the ribs, the shoulder was the big one, and my pelvis, the pelvic bone. He also found the lesions in the liver and of course the lung. And at that point I then knew that if it is multiple lesions like this, in multiple organs in the body, it is a cancer and it is at least stage four. It has spread.”
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