Belize Bank Awards Scholarships to Sixteen Deserving Students
Tonight, sixteen students are advancing their academic pursuits with full financial support from Belize Bank Limited. Over the years, the bank has awarded hundreds of scholarships to students across Belize, and this year is no exception. From over two hundred applications, the bank selected a group of students who have shown exceptional dedication to their studies and could greatly benefit from the financial assistance. News Five’s Paul Lopez brings us the details.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
Sixteen students entering high school and sixth form will be able to focus solely on their studies, thanks to Belize Bank Limited. Today, these students received full scholarships to cover all their educational expenses at their chosen institutions.

Fillipo Alario
Fillipo Alario, Chief Executive Officer, Belize Bank Limited
“Over the past decade we have had the privilege of supporting more than a hundred kids in their educational journey. We have about eighty-nine students that are in the program right now as we speak.”
Fillipo Alario, the Chief Executive Officer at Belize Bank Limited says seeing students progress as the bank continues to support them is a source of inspiration for the financial institution.
Fillipo Alario
“At the Belize Bank we believe that education is the cornerstone of personal and societal development. We are proud to have supported many of you. We even have kids that have moved on and gone to great universities. We have a graduate of Harvard University. He is so big; we cannot find him.”
Two former recipients of the scholarship were present at today’s award ceremony to encourage the 2024 cohort. Elmer Orellano received the scholarship at the secondary and tertiary levels. He is now an employee at Belize Bank. Dwight Gillett Junior received a high school scholarship from Belize Bank in 2020. Today, he got a second scholarship to attend Saint John’s Junior College.

Dwight Gillet Jr.
Dwight Gillet Jr., Scholarship Recipient
“Belize Bank has trusted me again for my academic years at the sixth form level. I was so anxious when they called me personally to say I got accepted for the scholarship. It was quite hilarious to see my family mouthing what they were saying. I am excited about what my future holds. With that I implore you students not to be fearful about what high school brings. Accept them wholeheartedly as most consider that period as the best of your life. I ask that while you should have fun, focus on your studies and goals and if you find yourself in a slump pick up yourself and don’t give up because the hard-working staff here at Belize Bank and those closest to you only expect great things from you.”
But today’s spotlight was really on the sixteen scholarship recipients who are preparing to start a new journey in their academic pursuits. Martin Leslie and Kiah Griffith are among this year’s recipients. They must maintain an average G.P.A. of two point seven five and above to keep the scholarship. Belize Bank Limited offers tutoring support and other services where needed.

Martin Leslie
Martin Leslie, Scholarship Recipient
“It will help my family because my mom is a single mother, and we need the money to help us with school uniforms and bags.”
Paul Lopez
“How hard did you work in primary school to get here?”
Martin Leslie
“Hard, hard, hard. My mom told me to push and strive for excellence in all I do.”
“What did she say when she learnt you got it?”
Martin Leslie
“She was with me and she cried with me.”
“For you what is your plans. I know you are just going to high school, but what do you hope to become and why?”
Martin Leslie
“I want to become a pediatrician when I get older, because I want to help sick children because I suffer from sickle cell, and I want to help them.”

Kiah Griffith
Kiah Griffith, Scholarship Recipient
“I decide to apply for this scholarship because I want to make my mom proud and make myself proud.”
Paul Lopez
“What was your response when you found you got it?”
Kiah Griffith
“I cried tears of joy, and my mom was proud.”
“For you what is the dream job and why?”
Kiah Griffith
“Accounting, to work in a bank.”
“Because that is where all the money is?”
Kiah Griffith
“Yeah, I think so.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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