B.W.S. Says Belmopan Sewage System is Safe Near Hospital Compound
The Chief Operations Officer at the Belize Water Services was also present at today’s press conference to address growing concerns over B.W.S’ sewage system that is located near the two parcels of land acquired for the construction of the hospital. For the avoidance of any doubt, Minister of Health Kevin Bernard confirmed that the parcels have been purchased by way of three installments. As for B.W.S.’ Chief Operations Officer, he says that there is no need to worry about the sewage system because it is operated with the highest standards in mind.

Sanjay Keshawani
Sanjay Keshawani, Chief Operation Officer, B.W.S.
“This plant was upgraded in 2015 with the funding from IDB crew. And since then, it’s almost going to be 10 years. This plant meets all the standards suggested by DOE, as a matter of fact, international standards as well. So, the plant is working to the best efficient capacity. We don’t have any issues with the plant, nor smell. Secondly, I saw some questions posted on the media about the leakage. So, in terms of safeguard, we have installed geosynthetic clay liner under the plant. And there is a one-foot clay layer. on top of the geosynthetic clay liner just to have a double protection. So we don’t see any issue plant being nearby the proposed land at all. We have to be compliant. We have to submit the data to P.U.C. every month. As a matter of fact, public health and D.O.E do random checks on our plant and we meet all the standards at that plant. So we don’t foresee any issues. Now with respect to proximity, a couple of years back, I was sent to U.S., requested by U.S. Embassy to visit some of their plants. And their plants are in the heart of the cities. So in New York, Washington, Baltimore, I visited couple of their sewer treatment plants. They are in the heart of cities. It’s just to put necessary safeguards so that’s what we have in place from since then. So at BWS, we don’t see any issue with the land nearby our plant. As a matter of fact, that will reduce some cost of extending the utilities to the land what they have selected recently.”
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