B.T.I.A. Says San Pedro Traffic was Chaotic Over Weekend
Scavone said that if there was one downside to the festival it was the chaos that the overcrowding caused to the traffic in San Pedro. The island town, known for already congested streets during peak time, was overwhelmed this weekend. Scavone said that there are other back streets that have recently been paved that helped in the flow of traffic, but the closure of others impeded the flow in those main areas.

Nichloas Scavone
Nichloas Scavone, Chair, B.T.I.A., San Pedro Branch
“Our roads are not built for the level and the quantity of tourists and golf carts that we get traditionally. Traffic is bad during season on any given day. It was particularly bad because they started closing off roads; they close off usually for Lobster Fest, they’ll close off just the one section by Sacachispas Park. But for this, they closed off the entire street, which really puts a crimp in the ability for carts to get around. Yes, congestion was a real problem; a lot of people, a lot of congestion, a lot of delays, a lot of just – I was reading he was parked by Minnelli’s Ice Cream and it took him half an hour to get a break in the traffic long enough for him to be able to back out of his parking spot. One of my employees here, our concierge, was going downtown and to get one block but for twenty minutes going through town. It was horrendous. But on the plus side, better to have a lot of people and have a little inconvenience than not to have any people and have free-flowing traffic. And we as the town has had a process of paving a lot of the back streets, so there are now alternative areas, alternative ways to get downtown and to bypass some of the main bottlenecks that we have so that has been a help.”
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