B.D.F Says Firearms at Bases Are Risky When Disputes Occur
Loria also discussed how the B.D.F. manages weapon handling on bases, especially in situations where disputes between soldiers could escalate. He highlighted that militaries worldwide focus heavily on training and proper weapons handling. Additionally, command leaders are trained to defuse conflicts before they become serious, given the significant risks involved.

Brigadier General Azariel Loria
Brigadier General Azariel Loria, Commandant, B.D.F
“The professional firearms – the militaries around the world, well, know that it is a risky business because we do handle powerful weapons, military weapons that can hurt people if we do not properly train, if we do not know how to properly handle them. So we always emphasize on training, training, and training. And that also goes hand in hand with our leadership, our attitudes on how to ensure that whenever we have instances like that, how the patrol commanders will be able to face, confront a situation like that. It’s one of the many risks of our profession, of professional military arms that we have to deal with, hence the reason we continue to train, maintain our training readiness so that when we go out there on operations, we can also maintain our operational readiness.”
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