A Botanical Garden is Inaugurated at the Price Home
In this week’s edition of Belize on Reel, we take you to the inauguration of a beautiful botanical garden at the Price residence on Pickstock Street. On Wednesday, Belize celebrated what would have been George Price’s 106th birthday by launching ‘Good Belizean,’ a heartfelt compilation of letters, and unveiling a new garden space. This is all part of an ongoing project to restore Price’s family home. Here’s News Five’s Isani Cayetano with the story.
Isani Cayetano, Reporting
George Price’s love for Belize went far beyond politics and community development. The late Father of the Nation had a deep passion for botany as well. In January 1973, George Price penned a letter to then Minister of Housing, Louis Sylvestre, urging the planting of trees in Belize City. He suggested beautifying areas like Central American Boulevard, Constitution Park, and Lopez Mateo Park. Price would have been a hundred and six years old on Wednesday and, to celebrate his birthday, a special ceremony has held with a particular focus on plants and gardening.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City
“The Price Botanical Garden symbolizes growth, symbolizes resilience, and it symbolizes hope, the values that Mr. Price held dear to his heart. It is a space where we would be able to reflect on his love for country and his vision of a sustainable, and harmonious Belize.”
Tree planting is crucial not just for keeping our ecosystems balanced and supporting wildlife, but also for creating a healthier environment for future generations. On his birthday, attendees were given two special gifts, including a sprout, and were encouraged to plant them at home or in their neighborhood.

Rolando Cocom
Rolando Cocom, Director, ISCR
“The second gift is a seedling from our Friends for Conservation and Development and we, in turn, ask that you take this gift back to your yard, back to your communities to plant it and to share it on social media.”
As Belize City expanded into new areas, Premier George Price recommended planting trees to create and preserve green spaces throughout the city.

Francis Fonseca
Francis Fonseca, Minister of Culture
“He loved to plant trees and, of course, other members of his family, including Mrs. Meg Craig, was very, very involved with the environment and the work of the Audubon Society and other organizations. And so we thought it was absolutely fitting for us to conceive this project of establishing a botanical garden right here in Mr. Price’s family home, in his backyard. So we teamed up with FCD, Friends for Conservation and Development, and, of course, through NICH and many other partners as well to make this a reality. It’s an absolutely exciting project. Of course, there are many other layers to this project. This project will see the restoration of the home, the Price home.”
Price’s letter to Sylvestre is one of many correspondences lovingly compiled in an exhibit booklet titled ‘Good Belizeans.’ This collection of documents has been published by the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) and the Belize Archives and Records Services.
Rolando Cocom
“A Good Belize, one who went through life, one who left through. This embodies the vision that guided his leadership. Today is more than a tribute, it is a call to plant the seeds of the peaceful, constructive revolution. In the words of Mr. Price, much work has been done, but more yet is to be done. As we look ahead, we certainly give thanks and we carry forward the work of Good Belizeans, those who rise each day to work hard, cherish family and find joy in our nation’s richness.”
Prime Minister John Briceno, who joined the ceremony celebrating Price’s birthday, also shared some exciting news about the makeover of George Price’s residence.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“Here we are at this beautiful, historic home surrounding by a lush garden and it’s only fitting that we transform this space into a place of learning for children, an immersive experience which brings our history to life. In the world of museums and formal education, that’s the term we use, an immersive experience.”
Isani Cayetano for News Five.
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