A Beef Fest and Rodeo for the Family on Saturday
The National Agriculture Show Grounds will be the venue on Saturday for the third Beef Fest and Rodeo. It’s a family-oriented event that will give ranchers, cowboys, and chefs a chance to showcase their talents in their respective fields of work. It will run from eight in the morning to five in the evening and according to Operations Manager of the Belize Livestock Producers Association, Mindy Garcia, there will be competitions as well as displays of different breeds of cattle.

Via phone: Mindy Garcia
Via phone: Mindy Garcia, Operations Manager, Belize Livestock Producers Assn.
“We are having four major things happening tomorrow at our event. First is the grilling competition. We have three categories where we have beef, pork and lamb. We have already some grillers who have already signed. We still have a space for them. If there’s anybody who would like to join and this is showcasing quality meat that our processors have sponsored and we have mixed from Running W, Country Meats, Sandra’s Meat Shop that will be showcased in this grilling competition. We have four chefs that will be judging the event and then we will also have for those three categories. We will be having three winners. The first prize, one thousand dollars, second prize, three hundred and the third prize, two hundred dollars. For each category, on the other events side, we will also be having a rodeo, which is all day rodeo as well. In the morning, we will have the kids and the juniors and in the afternoon. We will have run Friday bull riding. So, it’s a day of events there at the show grounds. We have another section where we will have the barn where we’re bringing all our breeders from Belize that deal with improving genetics in our livestock industry. So we will have a display of top quality sheep, top quality goat, different kind of breeds that breeders have in the country.”
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