P.M. Briceno to Retire After Potential Second Term in Office
Prime Minister John Briceño has announced that he will retire from electoral politics after the 2025 general election. If his administration wins at the polls this year, he plans to serve out the term as his last, marking the end of a political career that has spanned over three decades. So, who will step up to replace Prime Minister Briceño as the leader of the People’s United Party? And can they avoid the kind of implosion the U.D.P. is currently facing? We asked the PM.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“If you were to ask me today I would tell you it is going to be my last election. That is my plan, my hope and even in family. But it is important that once you get elected, God willing we win the election. I don’t want to be in a position where people say oh he the lef, mek we start plan and connive and whatever. I find that unacceptable. I have to continue to mange the party and the government the way that I have done with a firm hand and I have to show that I have full command of the party and the government and the minsters, that is important, or else we will waste time the fight and not think about the government. So I do plan to stay in a finish my term and I am expecting and hoping I can spend time with. What has happened to the UDP is they had a very small bench. After Dean Barrow who could have taken over the UDP. When you look at it with all respect with Mr. Faber, he needed more and one of the most important think is financing. I do believe the PUP is in a much better position. We have a deep bench. From Francis Fonseca to Cordel Hyde, Anthony Mahler and Kareem Musa. I am just giving names right now, as I remember I am giving the names.”
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