PM Responds to LOO’s Stance on Taiwan
On Wednesday, Opposition Leader Moses “Shyne” Barrow explained his decision to abstain from voting on a motion to celebrate thirty-five years of diplomatic relations with Taiwan. He explained that he is currently dissatisfied with the nation. We asked Prime Minister John Briceño for a response to the opposition leader’s claims. He told News Five that as Belize and Taiwan have been in similar situations, there is a moral obligation to continue to support each other.
Britney Gordon
“Can you respond to the leader of the opposition’s continued stance on Taiwan?”

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I don’t have time to waste with the leader of the opposition. I think it’s shameful the way he’s behaving. It is obvious that what he’s trying to do is trying to intimidate. And it’s sad because Taiwan has been a very trusted ally of Belize. They’ve been a good friend of Belize. And they’re where we were before 1981, when, every year we’re asking all our friends to speak or to say that they support Belize. Every year we used to pass resolutions in the United Nations for support for independence. And I believe that we have a moral obligation to be able to support Taiwan. Because at the end of the day, I believe that people should have a right to self-determination in any country. And like Belize, we said Belizeans should determine their destiny, whether they want to stay as a colony or want to be a part of Guatemala. Our Belizeans overwhelmingly, we said we want to be a free and independent nation. Taiwan should also be given that opportunity for their people to decide what should be their destiny.”
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